March 2, 2012

it's the simple things

It is a little bit sad that the only thing that keeps me going on a Friday is the promise of Thai food and a good movie with the man when I get home from work.
It's not quite as sad as the fact that the people at the Thai restaurant that we order from actually know my number by heart though. Before I even say my name, they are like "Oh hi Jackie! You want your usual order of Pad Thai, Green Curry, and Crab's Lagoon, right?" Slightly embarrassed at our predictability, I confirm the order.....but when the food comes, I completely forget that we have turned into an old, boring married couple and have the best 10 minutes of my life stuffing my face.
It's the simple things that equal pure paradise :)


  1. Your outfit is so pretty, I love the flats and the cute print of your dress! yumm Thai food :)

  2. That sounds so made me want Thai food! Love the pattern mixing you've got going on here, really adorable!

    <3 Cambria

  3. Oh, I would have ordered the same thing, although my favorite Thai dish is Panang curry! And I love the print of your dress! So adorable! -Jessica L



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