Like I promised, I purchased a new dress (see above) from Target....I call it my Tea Party dress because I feel like I should wear it to a tea party. Not that I have any plans in the near future to go to a tea party....I had to settle with wearing it to work today. But I did sip my coffee from a tiny teacup with my pinky extended this morning, ya know, in honor of the dress :)
We had the PERFECT weather this weekend!! It was in the low '80's so the hubs and I headed down to the beach for the first time this year---caught some rays, got farther into the third book of The Hunger Games, and then ate fish n' chips with a bunch of salty fisherman (not kidding!)
It was one of those weekends that I wished would last forever........alas, Monday has come and back to work I have gone. Sigh.
Your dress is so cute, I love the small polka dots with the bright red shoes! This is such a pretty outfit :)