December 19, 2011

to shop or not to shop?

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all survived the huddled masses shopping the weekend before Christmas......I didn't dare set foot in a mall this year after being run over by a stroller last year...DO NOT get in between an exhausted mother and Starbucks! 
We are totally into the whole shopping online thing this year. I sat in my pj's, coffee cup in hand, purchased & shipped gifts for 3 of our brothers in about 10 minutes....nothing can beat the convenience of that. Though I do find it easier to shop online for men rather than women so I did end up going to the store to buy for my mom. I wore my steel-toed boots so no strollers could slow me down this year! 


  1. your mall experience from last year sounds very scary :) Your outfit is so pretty, I like the pattern of your skirt with the red color of your tights!

  2. Steel-toed boots! Haha! It looks like its made for shopping!


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