December 13, 2011

grey skies

I apologize now for the crappy photo quality you have witnessed above. Husband and I have had a crazy week and have not had time to take outfit photos outside like normal. Plus we had some pretty bad weather yesterday when I wore this outfit so even if we had time to pop outside for a photo session, it would have turned out just as bad or worse--mascara streaks down my face, dark spots on my clothes that could be mistaken for me, you are better off seeing these. 
And to put the icing on the cake, I woke up about 45 minutes late this morning, showered (barely), and ran out the door with sopping-wet hair. Of course, on a normal LA day, the sun would have acted as a natural blow dryer, but like I mentioned, it was raining so my hair stayed wet....sopping wet. So as not to drip my hair juice all over the employee paychecks at work, I threw it up into this messy bun fastened with a rubber band I found in my desk drawer. 
Someone please remind me why I started this blog again?


  1. LOVE this blouse...and this is such a cute outfit :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. that does not sound like fun at all, so rainy! But your outfit is really cute, I love your shirt and cardigan. The print is so cute :)


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