December 12, 2011

advent calendar DIY

This was another one of my DIY projects that I stole from Pinterest-- it is an advent calendar made from a muffin pan, card stock, and magnets. You can put a treat inside each muffin cup that is held in by the card stock circles with magnets. Cute, right?

Here is how to do one yourself:

-mini muffin pan with 24 cups--I found this one at Walmart for $7.98
-colored card stock cut into 24 circles, 2" in diameter
-patterned and solid color scrapbook paper
-48 mini magnets (they come in a pack of 50 at Michaels)
-hot glue gun
-glue stick
-6 " piece of Christmas ribbon
-long piece of Christmas ribbon to hang pan with
-drill to make a hole in the pan

How To:
1. Cut 24 2" circles out of the different colored card stock. I bought this great circle cutter by Martha Stewart from Michaels that works great! But if you want to save the money, you can trace the circles and cut them by hand. 

2. Cut 24 1.75" circles out of the different colored/patterned scrapbook paper. Glue (with a glue stick) one 1.75" circle to each 2" card stock circle. 

3. Cut out of scrapbook paper the numbers 1 through 24. Glue (with a glue stick) each letter to one circle. If you want to cheat like I did, you can print off the letters from your computer and cut them out that way. 

4.. Using the hot glue gun, glue 2 small magnets to the back of each card stock circle, one at the top of the circle, one at the bottom of the circle. Set aside.

5. With an electric drill, drill a small hole in the top of the muffin pan. Take your long piece of Christmas ribbon and put it through the hole in order to hang the pan on the wall.

6. Take your 6" piece of ribbon and tie it in a bow. Using the hot glue gun, glue the bow onto the muffin pan right below the drill hole.

7. Pick your favorite holiday treat that will fit inside the muffin cups (I picked Hershey Kisses) and put one inside each muffin cup. Stick one circle on each of the muffin cups to hold the treat in (put the numbers in sequence 1-24).

And there you have it--a fun Christmas project that serves a great purpose! Have fun creating :)


  1. I love advent calendars and that is a great idea to use a muffin pan :) And the one you made is so pretty!

  2. This is the BEST idea! Since I just got married and moved and all, we've got no Christmas decorations...and really no money to make 'em. but this is super creative and super cute, plus I could probably find a pan at Goodwill or something. Thanks for the idea.

    <3 Cambria


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