November 8, 2011

why I blog

When you really think about style blogs, its people taking pictures of themselves in cute clothes and then posting them online for everyone to see, in hope of someone commenting on how good you look or how much they love you. I can see why some people may see style blogs as selfish ploys to raise self confidence. 
But this is not the reason that I blog. 
I'm not going to lie and tell you that my heart doesn't skip a beat every time I get an e-mail notification that someone has left a comment on my most recent post. [I LOVE reading your comments! Keep it up.] 
Or when I see my stats rise each time someone views my blog.
Or when I notice that I have gained yet another follower. 
But these are not the reasons that I blog either. 
See, when I was in high school and even in college, I wasn't completely a lost cause when it came to what I wore, but I didn't really have "style." It is not like I really do now either but the difference is that I am now comfortable with what I wear, comfortable enough to post my daily outfits online. I am not afraid of what people think of my clothes and I find it fun to share and to learn from other bloggers. 
This blog is a personal victory for me because if you ask anyone who knew me back in high school, I was pretty shy and self conscious. This blog is me putting myself out there and trying something new without being afraid of failing. 
This blog is also a creative way for me to express myself. I used to do a lot of writing in college (I majored in English) but since then, I have gotten a little rusty. Blogging allows me to keep my writing sharp--I find it fun to start each blog with a blank canvas, write about whatever I want......the weather, my love for my new boots, taking a dump in my driveway when I was 4, you know, just normal life stuff.
 [thank you for putting up with me]
Since the birth of my blog, I have also been presented with some new challenges and hobbies. I am learning more about photography which I am SUPER excited about (I am taking a class in the winter!!). A new digital camera is the first thing on my Christmas List this year [mom]. And I have also acquired PhotoShop recently and have been experimenting with all the joys of photo editing. 

Thanks for being serious with me for a moment. And with that, I will leave you with this:

This is me in college--told you I didn't have style. I'm wearing a mac & cheese shirt and eating funnel cake from the sketchy farmer's market, enough said. 

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