November 4, 2011

it has arrived

It is FINALLY here!! The rain has come to Southern California!! And with it, my favorite season, FALL. I have been waiting to break in my new boots but it has just been too hot, until today! Unfortunately, the rain also brings out the incredibly slow LA drivers who freak out when they see this wet liquid falling from the sky. Coming from a girl who spent the first 18 years of her life in the land of rain (Seattle if you didn't already figure it out), it is very frustrating when a normally 5 min commute to work turns into 20 min just because the Los Angelites become paralyzed and therefore abandon driving altogether in the middle of the road. I mean, would you tell your hairdresser to stop cutting after she only chopped off the hair on half your head? NO, because you would look ridiculous! Same principle applies. So let's just agree to be cautious drivers in the rain, but not to become road blocks. The end.


  1. Cute outfit, love your cardi and boots :)I'm so excited to start wearing boots,too.

  2. Great boots, hun. We just got some rainy here in Hawaii too! yay!

    Swing by to enter my Alainn Bella Giveaway.

    xx Love & Aloha

  3. haha oh honey, just be thanking your lucky stars you aren't living in Minnesota! Where 10 minute drive to your destination, will take you close to 40 minutes when it starts to snow...sheesh!

    Love the color combo of brick red and your cognac leather boots! So lovely :)

    Good luck with those slow drivers! :P



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