October 28, 2011


So in honor of it being Friday and all, I decided to do a "work to date night/weekend wear" post. I am all about an easy outfit that can double for both work and non-work events. Saves me time and energy, and after a long week, that's exactly what I need. 
This rust-colored sweater is going to be one of my favorites this winter---it is ridiculously soft and warm! Can you believe I got it for $8.00?? I feel like I should turn myself in for stealing...
Ok I'm gonna keep it short today. I know we all have exciting Halloween fun to get ready for. Enjoy your weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do (remember my #2 story from a few days ago). 


  1. Classic and very cool for Fall--love the rust color =)

  2. Very classy! I can't believe the jeans are from Old Navy - looked more like True Religion to be :)

    And that rust colored cardigan is just divine! I love the life it brings to the outfits.

  3. I love both outfits! The sweater is lovely, color is so nice. What a great deal on the sweater :)

  4. Hahahaha...after posting today, I've been going through and checking up on my favourite blogs--and realized we did essentially the same thing today with the "day to night" :D Great minds think alike. Great sweater, awesome colour. Delish.

    <3 Cambria

  5. Love this! I like it when I can transition an outfit from work to evening :)

    xoxo Denise



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