October 31, 2011


So my co-worker forced me to dress up for Halloween by threatening not to invite me to her birthday party this year. Thus, I became Hermione from the magical Harry Potter series-- partly because I already had the outfit and partly because I secretly love her. Lets face it, she is the smartest of the 3 main characters and she is always cute--who doesn't want to be smart and cute....but with magical powers?? Not this girl.
Anybody else dress up??? 
I didn't end up wearing my costume this weekend at all, only to work today. But it was probably a good idea that I didn't wear it on Saturday when we went to Knott's Scary Farm because then everyone would have seen the pee running down my leg all night---seriously. It was SCARY! I'm not sure it was worth it though because I spent most of the evening buried in the back of my husband and puncturing his forearm with my nails. Oh, what a night full of good, clean fun. 


  1. Just thought I'd let you know that your post yesterday inspired me to buy a rust cardigan tonight ;)

    <3 Cambria

  2. It' a great color isn't it? Glad to be your inspiration :)


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