January 16, 2012

in honor...

Hey everyone it has been a while hasn't it?? I decided to take a few weeks off to relax and enjoy spending time with family that I only get to see once a year. Thanks for understanding, but I am coming back to you full force! 
Today's outfit just happened to be black and white, in honor of MLKJ Day.....if you can believe it, I actually didn't plan this. I just really wanted to work this cute black blouse in with an outfit. And since it has been in the high '70's and '80's this winter, shorts were an appropriate choice. 
But since I happened to wear this outfit on a very important day in history, I will work some meaning into the outfit. Black and white...two great and very bold colors that, in appearance, seem to be opposites of one another. But in reality, you can't have one without the other. And in the fashion world, black and white have been paired beautifully together for a long time--it is a classic look that I don't think will ever go out of style. 

1 comment:

  1. Looking great as always!I'm so glad you have shorts wearing weather down there...sounds lovely! We have snow and cold so I am wearing many layers and haven't seen shorts in a long time. I wore the new scarf you gave me to school and the little girls thought it was beautiful :)


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