March 6, 2012

on the band wagon

I did it. I finally jumped on the band wagon and got a pair (2 pairs actually...) of colored skinnies! I love them!! I went with these coral ones and then some sage green ones too from Target which will be featured in a post soon. What do you think? I'm curious, are you into the colored skinny craze??


  1. I loved colored skinnies and just wish the one's from Target fit me better. I have the cobalt from there, red from Old Navy and a blue green pair from the Gap. I think they're great.

    And I love how you styled yours!

  2. Whoo-hoo! Great choice, the style and colour is perfect for you...and I know from your blogging that you have lots of lovely tops to pair with these. Love the white necklace too, so springy and cute.

    <3 Cambria


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