December 5, 2011

a pinteresting life

So I hope everyone in the LA area survived the crazy Santa Ana's last week--the school I work at didn't fare so well.....about 12 trees down, an entire fence demolished, metal picnic tables bent out of shape, no power for 5 days, but more importantly, NO HEAT for 5 days! And this includes the two days that my co-workers and I had to sit in the freezing office for 8 hours. I never knew fingers could get that blue.
On the upside, my weekend was great! I decorated our apartment for Christmas and did a few crafty projects--photos coming later this week.
My husband was excited that I was out of his hair so he could brew his beer and watch football all weekend. And I was excited to finally get some of my projects started
[Pinterest is easily ruling my life these days....I'm sure I'm not the only one].
Oh and I also found a new song to be obsessed with....
Told you I had a productive weekend :)


  1. He brews beer?! Fun! I'm a fan of Stella :) What song is your current obsession? P.s. those shoes are lovely!

    <3 Cambria

  2. I like the top quite a bit. Admittedly my arms would fall off from the cold (hello, DC) but it's worth the drool. I'm sorry about the office situation - I don't know how you came out sane.


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